Khan Academy - Offers a comprehensive range of math courses from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus and beyond. It's structured with exercises and instructional videos.
MIT OpenCourseWare - Provides free lecture notes, exams, and videos from actual MIT courses, including mathematics.
Coursera - Offers free courses from universities and organizations worldwide, including mathematics topics. While some courses may have a fee, many offer free access to course materials.
edX - Similar to Coursera, edX provides free online courses from universities and institutions around the world, including mathematics courses.
OpenStax - Provides free peer-reviewed textbooks that cover various math subjects, suitable for both students and educators.
PatrickJMT - A YouTube channel by PatrickJMT (Just Math Tutorials) that offers clear explanations and worked-out examples on a wide range of math topics.
Mathway - A tool that allows you to input math problems and get step-by-step solutions, helping you learn through practice.
Math Is Fun - A website that offers explanations, games, puzzles, and worksheets on a variety of math topics, suitable for all ages.
These resources offer a mix of structured courses, textbooks, tutorials, and practice exercises to help you learn mathematics effectively and for free.
Banish Your Number Phobia With a Bit of Everyday MathWe are all mathematicians. Even then we ask: what is the role of math in everyday life? It's time to dispel some of our numerical fears.READ MOREYour age doesn’t matter. Your educational background is redundant. Whatever mathematical goals you have, you can accomplish them!
What seems daunting is finding the right sites for each level of math. One site might be great at teaching calculus but horrible at teaching algebra. Another site might focus on higher level math and completely overlook the lower levels.
The well known Khan Academy is a gold bookmark, but there are other sites out there worthy of your attention. This list promises to compile the best sites for each level so that you can learn systematically, gain a better grasp of math one level at a time, and have fun! Starting with Arithmetic
Arthmetic shouldn’t be overlooked, as there is always a new and more efficient way at looking at numbers. It doesn’t matter what your age, your brain can always make use of a little math homework.
Fun With Numbers: 6 Best Single-Player Games For Mental MathYou'll need math, logic or a combination of the two to make it through these. And be warned, they are crazy addictive.READ MORE
The best site to learn arithmetic should be one that includes easy to follow instructions, shows more images rather than text, and lets the user practice with numbers. I’ve skipped any site that focuses a lot on theory and history, as I believe it is more important to practice with numbers rather than reading about numbers.
MathABC is the best site to practice arithmetic. The site has colorful graphics, is fun and informative, but doesn’t lean heavily on explanations. No matter what age or level you’re at, you should give MathABC a try!
On to Pre-Algebra
Next up is pre-algebra, a necessary math level for anyone in high school or getting ready to take the GED. Again, no matter what level or how old you are, learning math is always great practice for your brain!
Learning pre-algebra should also be fun and informative but at this level theory and information should start to appear. Though, I think it is also necessary to get plenty of practice.
Math Goodies is the best site to learn pre-algebra, as the site focuses on theory and information, but also provides educational exercises immediately following the lesson. Up Next, Algebra 1 and 2
Algebra is no joke, and is often mentioned as the basis or “gatekeeper” for all the other levels, and is also considered a must if you want to comprehend other levels.
At this stage it is important to get a firm grip on theory, while at the same time practicing as much as possible. Graphics and pictures can be thrown out the window as they might be intrusive. Clean and straight-to-the-point text is what matters.
Math Planet does a great job at presenting example math problems and provides an instructional YouTube video at the end of every lesson for further explanation. Additionally, you can take your knowledge and put it to practice on the SAT and ACT section of the site.
You will need to download the SAT and ACT files to see if you answered correctly!
Go with Geometry
After algebra the next step in the right direction towards learning math can be geometry. There are some that say geometry, which is the study of shapes, should be taken before algebra 2, but the order is entirely up to you.
What matters at this stage is plenty of practice and a good grasp of theory. You can get both with a few sites, but the site that really stands out from the others is Math Warehouse. The site does a great job of bringing together explanations, graphics, and explanation videos. You can even use their online calculator for better practice.
Turning to Trigonometry
Trigonometry is usually taken after geometry, as it deals with the measurement of sides and angles of triangles. Throw in 3-dimensional figures and it gets more interesting. It is used across all sciences like physics, engineering, and chemistry.
The best way to learn anything in math is to know how to get to an answer. The best way of doing that is to practice, and while this site has only a few examples, Dave’s Short Trig Course does an excellent job at presenting trigonometry in easy-to-follow explanations and graphics. Varsity Tutor provides fine practice tests for any aged learner, and Brilliant is also laid out nicely for easy clarification. Practice to your heart’s content! Concentrating on Calculus
Calculus, which is the study of of change through mathematics, is best learned through a thorough understanding of theory. A great way to get this type of understanding is to clearly see what you’re learning, and then to be able to put your theory to practice. And although calculus should be broken up, between derivation and linear for example, Free Math Help does a great job of presenting each lesson as its own. The site brings together theory, examples, three calculus calculators (a derivative, integral, and limit calculator), and even an interactive problem solver, which is quite useful for some problems.
Everything is clearly shown and laid out on the free site. Check it out!
17Calculus is an excellent site for college level calculus. Learnerator also provides a great amount of practice questions for you to review. Statistics
A most useful level of math is statistics, or the science of collecting and analyzing numbers and data.
Statistics is mentioned last in this math guide because it is usually taken by seniors in college as a final math course. Though this isn’t always true, it is often the case.
After combing the web for the best statistic course or site, I found a Statistics 101 YouTube channel that really does a great job at explaining stats. You don’t even need to have a great mathematical background to understand what is being taught. The videos are an average of around 25 minutes long and use graphics and examples to explain statistics.
The Best Thing About Math
Let’s end with the twentieth site that goes back to the History of Math. It won’t teach you any level of math, but a look at the evolution helps place everything in context. Beginner's Woodworking: 5 Skills You Need to KnowMany people shy away from woodworking projects simply because they haven't done it before. Here's a rundown of the 5 most important woodworking skills to help you get started.READ MOREFROM : The 20 Websites You Need to Learn Math Step by Step
Top 10 Math Websites
Want more free math resources specific to your grade level? Then check out some new articles we just wrote linked out below! Stay tuned… more to come!
- 6th grade math worksheets, games, problems, curriculum, + more!
- 7th grade math worksheets, games, problems, curriculum, + more!
- 8th grade math worksheets, games, problems, curriculum + more!
- Top 10 Pre-Algebra worksheets + more
- Top Algebra 1 worksheets + more
- Top Algebra 2 worksheets + more
- Math Playground math games from 1st – 6th grade.
BONUS RESOURCE: Have a student in K – 8th grade? Want them to be prepared for the digital age? Then you may want to check out Codakid, an organization that teaches kids how to code! Computer coding for kids! 
Now let’s get to the countdown!…
Math Levels: pre-Algbera – Algebra (approximately 3rd – 11th grade)
My Favorite Thing: their videos are organized, clear, helpful, and free!
This math website has lots of stuff including math discussion forums, math competition information, and classes students can enroll into… but we especially like their clear videos!
Video categories include:– PreAlgebra (basic algebraic properties, decimals, angles, and more!)– Introduction to Algebra (one-variable, multi-variable, complex numbers and more!)– Counting & Probability (basic counting techniques, geometric probability, and more!)– MATHCOUNTS (explaining problems from a state math competition)– AMC (explaining problems from American Mathematics Competitions qualifying tests) There are tons of videos listed very clearly by subject and subtopic.
This image above shows the Algebra videos by chapter. If you scroll down on the page, you would see all the numerous videos for each listed chapter.
Once watching a video, the tutor walks us through problems step-by-step with very clear explanations… As a former math teacher, I approve!
Math Levels: K-12th (but seems heavier on K-8th grade)
My Favorite Thing: free downloadable worksheets
Education World presents a variety of math resources that all educators can use to liven up instruction.
“But I’m not a teacher!” you protest. It doesn’t matter! Anyone can take advantage! Parents would be wise to seek out resources that teachers themselves like to pull from 
This site links to and has downloadable pdfs of its own on critical thinking, math crossword puzzles, and hands-on math activities like these two shown below.
Math Levels: 2nd-12th (Basic Math through Calculus)
My Favorite Thing: topic reviews and quizzes to follow for practice
When I was in school, Cliff’s Notes were all the rage for students who needed to review a long book before a big test!
These little overview books were especially helpful for Shakespeare, if I do say so myself, but now they have Cliff’s Notes for Math!
This top math website covers:
If you want the full, hands-on version, they are sold in book stores and online, but this website is a nice and free starting point for some solid review.
Math Levels: K-12th
My Favorite Thing: clear at-a-glance table of contents on front page
As soon as you open this page, you see all the topics you can find lessons, examples, and worksheets about. No need to dig deep into the website to figure out what it actually covers.
For students just beginning math to students already deeply immersed in it who need a little review on a topic or two, this site shows step-by-step how to attack all the important concepts.
Math Levels: K-12th
My Favorite Thing: videos and activity resources to do with students
Math Pickle is a great top 10 math website for K-12 math topics. It too seems to be designed with the teacher in mind, but do not let that deter you!
Take mini-lessons and do them with your kids! Make it a game. Make it a fun project. They will learn without realizing it (which is the best way to learn – naturally!)
This math website has video support, discussion boards, games that are “hard fun,” inspired (and inspiring) people, and more!
Here is a path that I took by clicking on “Addition” under the 1st / 2nd / 3rd grade area, then scrolling down and clicking on “Unfair Thrones,” and then watching the posted video and opening the supporting PowerPoint Presentation.
Math Levels: K-8th
My Favorite Thing: tons of fun online games to practice concepts
Hooda Math is a top 10 math website geared toward helping kids practice and learn through fun computer games. Specific topics the games work with are: addition, subtraction, multiplication, addition, geometry, basic physics, fractions, integers, and algebra.
Kids learn best when having fun! Here is a game I started to play practicing geometric understanding and spacial reasoning.
Math Levels: 9-12th+ (Algebra through Calculus III)
My Favorite Thing: “cheat sheets” – nice review study guide reference sheets!
The intent of this site is “to provide a complete set of free online (and downloadable) notes and/or tutorials for classes that [Paul teaches] at Lamar University.” He has written out notes / tutorials on Algebra, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, and Differential Equations. The notes are simple and easy-to-follow.
Another great feature is there are practice problems for students to solve! The solutions let you click to reveal each step one at at time! This feature is perfect for if a student gets stuck half-way through, he or she can check out the next step without revealing the entire solution.
He has even made nice “cheat sheets” for algebra, trigonometry, and calculus topics! This is one of the best parts of this top 10 math website. It is so helpful for students to have all the facts and formulas from which they can pull right there in front of them. Print out these sheets for reference during homework sessions! Print out these sheets to give to teachers (brownie points!) and they may even let students use during tests (depends on teacher).
Math Levels: K-6th grade
My Favorite Thing: super fun “arcade games” practicing math
This top 10 math website was created with idea of “Academics + Arcade=Fun” in mind!
Games are free, multi-player, and educational. And they even designed these games while conscious about online safety. “Private” games can be set up with a password, so a student and his/her friends could organize games to play against each other in a private game! “Public” games can be joined by anyone at anytime but there is no contact between the outside players and the student. They also monitor player names and block inappropriate ones.
Let’s take a look at a game that I just played to give one a try! I decided to practice multiplication and loved the look of this cute penguin jumping game.
This math website covers all kinds of elementary math concepts but also includes practice for language arts, geography, spelling, and typing. Pretty cool.
Math Levels: 3rd-12th+ (basic math through Calculus III) plus ACT & SAT Prep!
My Favorite Thing: videos galore, easy-to-navigate
Growing in popularity around the world, the Khan Academy is full of helpful videos explaining all sorts of math topics (they have videos on other school subjects too).
When you login (free forever, they say!) you see a home screen and your child can even take a math pre-test to see where he/she is starting.
From there, you can browse their video library.For math, they cover topics starting around 3rd grade and go through tough subjects such as Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics, Test Prep, Differential Equations, and more.
There are numerous other neat features about this ever-growing and ever-improving top 10 math website (well, more than just math).We highly encourage parents to explore this site and see how they can use it to their advantage!
Here is a snap shot of what the Khan Academy’s videos look like:
Math Levels: 3rd-12th+ (arithmetic through Calculus)
My Favorite Thing: videos galore, easy-to-navigate
The “JMT” in Patrick JMT stands for “Just Math Tutorials.” Math, math, and more math.
Similar to #2 Khan Academy, this top 10 math website has clear math videos on tons of topics. Scroll down their home page, it’s amazing!
The reason I decided to rank Patrick JMT higher than the famous Khan Academy is the fact that the background of the videos is more clear and visually appealing (see above image) in my opinion. Khan Academy’s inherit background is swapped for a whitish yellow paper background and the writing is done by hand with a pen, so it is a bit more clear than the online pen tool of Khan Academy.Did you find this helpful?Please share on Twitter, Facebook, or via email to others who could benefit!
See anything great that we missed?Comment below so we can add it to a future list. Thanks!
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In addition, if you are a proactive parent or teen in 7th – 12th grade make sure to register to our next live webinar to learn how to save thousands + set your teenager up for college, scholarship, and career success by clicking here! The following two tabs change content below.