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Work - Thermodynamics


Work - Thermodynamics Bimbel Jakarta Timur BJTV.eu

In thermodynamics, "work" refers to the energy transfer that occurs when a force acts on a system and causes a displacement in the direction of the force. It's a fundamental concept in understanding the behavior of systems undergoing various processes, such as expansion, compression, heating, or cooling. Work plays a crucial role in analyzing and describing the energy interactions within thermodynamic systems.

Key aspects of work in thermodynamics

1. Definition: Work is defined as the product of force and displacement along the direction of the force. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:


2. Sign Convention: Conventionally, work done by the system on its surroundings is considered positive, while work done on the system by its surroundings is considered negative. This convention helps in determining the direction of energy transfer.

3. Types of Work: In thermodynamics, various types of work can occur, including:
  • Expansion Work: Work done during the expansion or compression of a system against an external pressure.
  • Compression Work: Work done on a system during compression by an external force.
  • Mechanical Work: Work done in processes involving the transfer of energy.
  • Electrical Work: Work done in electrical systems due to the flow of electric current.
  • Shaft Work: Work done by rotating shafts, common in turbines, engines, and pumps.
  • Flow Work (P-V Work): Work done during the flow of a fluid into or out of a control volume due to a pressure difference.
Other Forms: This includes magnetic work, surface work, elastic work, chemical work, gravitational work, radiative work, boundary work, and volumetric work, depending on the specific thermodynamic process.

4. Role in Thermodynamic Processes: Work is integral to understanding and analyzing various thermodynamic processes, such as heat engines, refrigeration cycles, power generation systems, and chemical reactions. It enables the conversion of energy between different forms and drives the motion and transformation of substances within the system.

5. Calculation and Measurement: Work can be calculated or measured using appropriate instruments or mathematical methods tailored to the specific type of work involved. For example, expansion work can be calculated from pressure and volume data, electrical work from voltage and current measurements, and shaft work from torque and angular displacement.

In summary, work in thermodynamics represents the energy transfer associated with mechanical, electrical, or other types of interactions within a system. Understanding the concept of work is essential for analyzing and predicting the behavior of thermodynamic processes and designing efficient energy systems.

Expansion Work

Expansion work is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics, particularly in systems where gases expand or contract. It refers to the work done by or on a gas as it expands or contracts against an external pressure. Expansion work plays a crucial role in various thermodynamic processes, such as in heat engines, refrigeration systems, and industrial processes involving gases. Here's a detailed explanation of expansion work:

1. Definition:

Expansion work, denoted as 

Expansion work, denoted as exp, is the work done by a gas as it expands (or the work done on a gas as it contracts) against an external pressure. It represents the energy transfer associated with the change in volume of the gas.

2. Mathematical Representation:

The expansion work done by a gas can be calculated using the formula: exp= where:

  • exp represents expansion work (measured in joules, J),
  • represents the pressure exerted on the gas (measured in pascals, Pa),
  • and represent the initial and final volumes of the gas, respectively (measured in cubic meters, m3),
  • represents an infinitesimal change in volume.
3. Sign Convention:

Expansion work is considered positive when the gas expands against an external pressure, doing work on its surroundings. Conversely, if work is done on the gas to compress it, expansion work is considered negative.

4. Calculation:

Expansion work can be calculated by integrating the product of pressure and infinitesimal volume change over the range of volumes involved in the expansion process. This integration accounts for changes in pressure and volume throughout the expansion.

5. Example:

Consider the expansion of an ideal gas in a piston-cylinder arrangement. As the gas expands, it pushes against the piston, doing work on the surroundings. The expansion work done by the gas can be calculated by integrating the product of pressure and volume change over the expansion process.

6. Role in Thermodynamic Processes:

Expansion work is fundamental in various thermodynamic processes, such as in the power stroke of a heat engine or the expansion phase of a refrigeration cycle. It represents one of the ways in which energy can be transferred between a system and its surroundings.
Expansion work is a critical concept in thermodynamics, providing insights into the behavior of gases and the energy interactions involved in processes like heating, cooling, and power generation. Understanding expansion work is essential for analyzing and designing efficient thermodynamic systems.

Compression Work

Compression work is a concept in thermodynamics that refers to the work done on a substance as it is compressed, typically against an external pressure. This concept is crucial in various thermodynamic processes, such as in compressors, pumps, and other systems where fluids or gases are compressed. Here's a detailed explanation of compression work:

1. Definition:

Compression work, denoted as comp, is the work done on a substance as it is compressed against an external pressure. It represents the energy transfer associated with the reduction in volume of the substance.

2. Mathematical Representation: The compression work done on a substance can be calculated using the formula: comp=ext where:

  • comp represents compression work (measured in joules, J),
  • ext represents the external pressure exerted on the substance (measured in pascals, Pa),
  • and represent the initial and final volumes of the substance, respectively (measured in cubic meters, m3),
  • represents an infinitesimal change in volume.
3. Sign Convention:

Compression work is considered negative because work is done on the substance by the surroundings. As the substance is compressed, energy is transferred from the surroundings to the substance.

4. Calculation:

Compression work can be calculated by integrating the product of external pressure and infinitesimal volume change over the range of volumes involved in the compression process. This integration accounts for changes in pressure and volume throughout the compression.

5. Example:

Consider the compression of a gas in a piston-cylinder arrangement by an external force. As the gas is compressed, work is done on the gas by the surroundings. The compression work done on the gas can be calculated by integrating the product of external pressure and volume change over the compression process.

6. Role in Thermodynamic Processes:

Compression work is essential in various thermodynamic processes, such as in compressors, pumps, and engines. It represents one of the ways in which energy can be transferred to a substance, increasing its internal energy or enthalpy.

Compression work is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics, providing insights into the energy interactions involved in processes like compression, pressurization, and power generation. Understanding compression work is crucial for designing and analyzing efficient thermodynamic systems.

Mechanical Work - Thermodynamics

In the realm of thermodynamics, mechanical work plays a significant role, especially in processes involving the transfer of energy. Let's delve into the concept of mechanical work within the framework of thermodynamics:

1. Definition:

Mechanical work, in the context of thermodynamics, refers to the transfer of energy caused by a force acting through a distance. It's a fundamental concept that describes the energy exchange due to mechanical processes.

2. Mathematical Representation:

In mathematical terms, mechanical work 


  • = Mechanical work (in joules, J)
  • = Applied force (in newtons, N)
  • = Displacement (in meters, m)
In thermodynamics, mechanical work manifests in various forms, including:

  • Expansion Work: This occurs when a gas expands against an external pressure, resulting in the displacement of a piston in a cylinder. The work done by the gas is given by the product of the external pressure and the change in volume.
  • Compression Work: Opposite to expansion work, compression work occurs when a gas is compressed, causing the piston to move inward. The work is done on the gas by the external force.
  • Shaft Work: In systems involving rotating shafts, such as turbines or pumps, work is exchanged through the rotation of the shaft. This work is vital in many thermodynamic processes, such as power generation in steam turbines or work input to compressors.
  • Stirrer Work: In systems where mixing is involved, such as stirred tanks or reactors, work is done by the stirring mechanism to promote mixing and homogeneity.

4. Sign Convention:

In most conventions, work done by the system on the surroundings is considered positive (e.g., expansion work), while work done on the system by the surroundings is considered negative (e.g., compression work).

5. Role in Thermodynamic Processes:

Mechanical work is essential in various thermodynamic processes, including heat engines, refrigeration cycles, and power generation systems. It represents one of the ways energy can be transferred between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings.

6. Calculation and Measurement:

Mechanical work can be calculated using force and displacement measurements. In experimental setups, devices such as load cells, pressure transducers, or torque meters are used to measure the relevant parameters.

7. Work-Energy Theorem:

In thermodynamics, work is directly related to the change in energy of a system. This relationship is encapsulated in the work-energy theorem, which states that the work done on a system equals the change in its energy.
Understanding mechanical work is crucial for analyzing and designing various thermodynamic systems, enabling engineers and scientists to optimize processes for efficiency and performance.

Electrical Work - Thermodynamics

In the context of thermodynamics, electrical work refers to the work done by or on a system due to the flow of electric current. This concept is particularly relevant in systems where electrical energy is converted to other forms of energy or vice versa. Let's explore electrical work in more detail within the framework of thermodynamics:

1. Definition:

Electrical work, denoted as 
, represents the energy transfer associated with the movement of electric charge within a system. It is measured in joules (J) and is a fundamental aspect of many thermodynamic processes involving electricity.

2. Mathematical Representation:

In mathematical terms, electrical work can be expressed as the product of electrical charge 


  • elec = Electrical work (in joules, J)
  • = Electric charge (in coulombs, C)
  • = Electrical potential difference (in volts, V)
3. Types of Electrical Work:

Electrical work can manifest in various forms within thermodynamic systems, including:

  • Generation of Electrical Energy: This occurs when mechanical, chemical, or thermal energy is converted into electrical energy. Examples include power generation in generators or batteries.
  • Conversion of Electrical Energy: Electrical work also occurs when electrical energy is converted into other forms, such as mechanical work in electric motors or thermal work in resistive heaters.
  • Transmission and Distribution: In electrical systems, work is done to transmit and distribute electrical energy over long distances. This involves overcoming resistance and losses in transmission lines.

4. Sign Convention:

The sign convention for electrical work depends on the direction of the energy transfer. When electrical energy is being supplied to the system (e.g., during charging), the work is considered positive. Conversely, when the system releases electrical energy (e.g., during discharging), the work is considered negative.

5. Role in Thermodynamic Processes:

Electrical work is fundamental in various thermodynamic processes, including power generation, heating, cooling, and transportation. It plays a crucial role in modern energy systems, such as power plants, electric vehicles, and renewable energy technologies.

6. Calculation and Measurement:

Electrical work can be calculated using the product of electrical charge and potential difference. Instruments such as voltmeters and ammeters are used to measure these parameters in electrical circuits.

7. Conservation of Energy:

Electrical work obeys the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. This principle underpins the analysis of energy transfer in thermodynamic systems involving electricity.
Understanding electrical work is essential for analyzing the performance and efficiency of electrical systems, enabling engineers and scientists to design and optimize energy conversion processes effectively.

Shaft Work - Thermodynamics

In the realm of thermodynamics, shaft work refers to the work done by or on a system due to the rotation of a shaft. This concept is particularly relevant in systems involving rotating machinery, such as turbines, compressors, and pumps. Let's explore shaft work in more detail within the framework of thermodynamics:

1. Definition:

Shaft work, denoted as shaft, represents the energy transfer associated with the rotational motion of a shaft within a system. It is measured in joules (J) and is a fundamental aspect of many thermodynamic processes involving rotating machinery.

2. Mathematical Representation:

In mathematical terms, shaft work can be expressed as the product of torque () and angular displacement () of the shaft: shaft= where:

  • shaft = Shaft work (in joules, J)
  • = Torque applied to the shaft (in newton-meters, N·m)
  • = Angular displacement of the shaft (in radians, rad)
3. Types of Shaft Work:

Shaft work can manifest in various forms within thermodynamic systems, including:

  • Mechanical Power Generation: In power generation systems, such as steam turbines or gas turbines, shaft work is done to generate mechanical power from thermal energy. This power can then be used to drive generators and produce electrical energy.
  • Mechanical Compression or Expansion: In compressors and expanders, shaft work is done to compress or expand fluid streams, such as air or gas. This work is essential in processes like refrigeration, air conditioning, and pneumatic systems.
  • Fluid Pumping: In pumps, shaft work is done to impart energy to fluids, increasing their pressure or velocity. This is crucial in applications such as water distribution, oil drilling, and chemical processing.
  • Mechanical Stirring or Mixing: In stirred tanks or reactors, shaft work is done to promote mixing and homogenization of fluids. This enhances heat and mass transfer processes, improving system efficiency.
4. Sign Convention:

The sign convention for shaft work depends on the direction of the energy transfer. When work is done by the system on the surroundings (e.g., during power generation), the work is considered positive. Conversely, when work is done on the system by the surroundings (e.g., during compression), the work is considered negative.

5. Role in Thermodynamic Processes:

Shaft work is fundamental in various thermodynamic processes, including power generation, compression, expansion, pumping, and mixing. It plays a crucial role in converting energy from one form to another and driving mechanical processes in industrial, transportation, and energy systems.

6. Calculation and Measurement:

Shaft work can be calculated using the product of torque and angular displacement. Instruments such as torque meters and tachometers are used to measure these parameters in rotating machinery.
Understanding shaft work is essential for analyzing the performance and efficiency of rotating machinery, enabling engineers and scientists to design and optimize energy conversion processes effectively.

Flow Work (or P-V Work) - Thermodynamics

In thermodynamics, flow work, also known as P-V work or displacement work, refers to the work done by or on a fluid as it flows into or out of a control volume under the action of a pressure difference. This concept is essential in the analysis of fluid flow processes, particularly in areas such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and energy conversion. Let's explore flow work in more detail within the framework of thermodynamics:

1. Definition:

Flow work, denoted as flow, represents the energy transfer associated with the movement of fluid across a boundary due to a pressure difference. It is measured in joules (J) and is a fundamental aspect of many thermodynamic processes involving fluid flow.

2. Mathematical Representation:

In mathematical terms, flow work can be expressed as the product of pressure () and change in specific volume (Δ) of the fluid: flow=Δ where:

  • flow = Flow work (in joules, J)
  • = Pressure acting on the fluid (in pascals, Pa)
  • Δ = Change in specific volume of the fluid (in cubic meters per kilogram, m3/kg)
3. Sign Convention:

The sign convention for flow work depends on the direction of the fluid flow relative to the control volume. When work is done by the fluid on the surroundings (e.g., during expansion), the work is considered positive. Conversely, when work is done on the fluid by the surroundings (e.g., during compression), the work is considered negative.

4. Types of Flow Work:

Flow work can manifest in various forms within thermodynamic systems, including:

  • Expansion Work: This occurs when a fluid expands against a restraining pressure, such as in a piston-cylinder arrangement. The fluid does work on the piston, resulting in flow work.
  • Compression Work: Opposite to expansion work, compression work occurs when a fluid is compressed under an external pressure. In this case, work is done on the fluid by the surroundings, leading to a decrease in specific volume.
5. Role in Thermodynamic Processes:

Flow work is fundamental in various thermodynamic processes involving fluid flow, including:

  • Heat Engines: In heat engines, such as steam turbines or internal combustion engines, flow work contributes to the conversion of thermal energy into mechanical work.
  • Pumps and Compressors: In pumps and compressors, flow work is essential for imparting energy to fluids, increasing their pressure or velocity.
  • Turbines and Expanders: In turbines and expanders, flow work facilitates the conversion of fluid energy into mechanical work or vice versa.
6. Calculation and Measurement:

Flow work can be calculated using the product of pressure and change in specific volume. Instruments such as pressure transducers and flow meters are used to measure these parameters in fluid flow systems.
Understanding flow work is essential for analyzing the performance and efficiency of fluid flow processes, enabling engineers and scientists to design and optimize energy conversion systems effectively.

Other Forms of Work in Thermodynamics

In addition to mechanical work, electrical work, shaft work, and flow work, there are several other forms of work that are relevant in thermodynamics. These forms of work represent different mechanisms through which energy can be transferred or converted within a thermodynamic system. Let's explore some of these other forms of work:

1. Magnetic Work:

Magnetic work refers to the work done by or on a system due to changes in magnetic fields. This form of work is particularly relevant in systems involving magnetic materials, such as electromagnets, magnetic storage devices, and magnetic refrigeration systems.

2. Surface Work (Surface Tension Work):

Surface work, also known as surface tension work, refers to the work done to change the surface area of a liquid or interface between two phases. This form of work is significant in systems involving liquids, such as in the formation of droplets, bubbles, or capillary action.

3. Elastic Work (Deformation Work):

Elastic work, or deformation work, refers to the work done to change the shape or size of a solid material. This form of work is relevant in systems involving elastic materials, such as springs, rubber bands, or deformable solids subjected to mechanical loading.

4. Chemical Work:

Chemical work refers to the work done by or on a system during chemical reactions or phase transformations. This form of work is significant in systems involving chemical reactions, such as combustion, synthesis, or decomposition reactions.

5. Gravitational Work:

Gravitational work refers to the work done by or on a system due to changes in gravitational potential energy. This form of work is relevant in systems subjected to gravitational forces, such as lifting objects, raising or lowering fluids, or moving mass against gravity.

6. Radiative Work:

Radiative work refers to the work done by or on a system due to changes in radiant energy, such as electromagnetic radiation. This form of work is significant in systems involving heat transfer by radiation, such as in solar energy conversion systems or thermal radiation shields.

7. Boundary Work:

Boundary work refers to the work done by or on a system as a result of changes in the boundary of the system. This form of work is particularly relevant in systems with moving boundaries, such as pistons in cylinders or rotating shafts in turbines.

8. Volumetric Work:

Volumetric work refers to the work done by or on a system due to changes in volume, typically associated with compression or expansion processes. This form of work is significant in systems involving changes in volume, such as in compressors, expanders, or pneumatic systems.
Understanding these various forms of work is essential for comprehensively analyzing thermodynamic processes and energy transfer mechanisms in different types of systems. Each form of work represents a distinct aspect of energy transfer and conversion, contributing to the overall behavior and performance of thermodynamic systems.

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